Example 1
Input: Pa
Output: 231.04
Molecules are made up of atoms, so to calculate the mass of a molecule you just add up the masses of the atoms but
each atom has a different mass.Atoms are so light that using grams to describe their mass is pretty annoying so we use
other units like the atomic mass unit (amu). 1 amu is defined as one twelevth the mass of a carbon-12 atom, or
Given the chemical formula of a molecule, return its mass in amu. You might find periodic_table.csv useful. It's a comma-separated file containing all the elements from the periodic table and their masses in amu. The starter code in the code editor below shows how you can read the data from the file and store it in a dictionary in Python.
Input: The molecule's chemical formula.
Output: The molecule's mass in atomic mass units (amu).
Difficulty | Timesink | ||
Function | molecular_mass(chemical_formula) |
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