Example 1
Input list of rectangles: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Input rectangle width: 1.5
Output area: 22.5
The simple problem here is to sum the area of a bunch of rectangles with different heights but the same width. That's all you need to know. But if you don't mind learning a bit of calculus, read on.
The slightly longer version is that we're trying to calculate the area under a complicated line or curve (the black line in the figure below). One way to do this is to draw rectangles under the curve and just add up the areas of all these rectangles. You can choose the rectangles in a few different ways but the idea is that if you use more and more rectangles, you'll get a more accurate answer (see figure caption).
If the black curve is described by a function $f(x)$ then the area under the curve is the definite integral of $f$ between some endpoints $a$ and $b$ $$ \int_a^b f(x) \, dx \approx \sum_{k=0}^N f(x_i) \Delta x $$ where we decided to use $N$ rectangles each of width $\Delta x$. The height of the $i^\textrm{th}$ rectangle is $f(x_i)$ which can be chosen in a few different ways but is given in this problem.
Input: A list of rectangle heights (negative heights give a rectangle "negative area"), and a rectangle width.
Output: The sum of the rectangle areas.
Difficulty | Timesink | ||
Function | area_of_rectangles(rectangle_heights, rectangle_width) |
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